

Legal support for Idaho & Utah Business




Business Operations

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Adopting proper policies and procedures, and bringing focused attention to contractual relationships, obligations and benefits, brings predictability and assurance. We focus first on your business, listening to your goals, objectives and concerns, to bring practical advice and follow through to implementation.

Entity Formation, Capitalization and Restructuring

Whether it’s a simple single ownership structure or a complex commitment to partners, investors, key employees and lenders, the relationship relies on the company’s operative documents. The company’s operative documents provide the framework to support each business through its life cycle. Clients depend on us to provide practical guidance, honed from decades of experience, and an acute attention to detail, so business grows on a solid foundation.


Contracts are ubiquitous. We make contractual commitments through every sale and service offered. Contracts offer the opportunity to standardize practices and provide predictability to the flow of business, but they can also create avenues for unknown liabilities. Every business needs to know and understand its contractual obligations, weigh risks and opportunities based on the best information available and make commitments that offer opportunity and reward. Rely on us to assess the multitude of contracts binding your business, negotiate in your best interest and document commitments that lead your success.


Real Estate

Sales & Acquisitions

We have an extensive legal and practical background in helping our clients structure, assess and document all facets of a real estate sale or acquisition. Purchase and sale agreements, options and brokerage commitments each have their unique risks and opportunities requiring particular attention to achieve success.


We regularly represent landlords and tenants through the leasing process. We have helped clients lease everything from high-rent retail space, to industrial warehouses, to farmland and everything in between.


The practice of real estate brokerage is a mix of sometimes-conflicting regulatory obligations and local practice and custom. We represent some of the highest producing commercial and residential brokerages in Idaho, their brokers and agents, offering advice on compliance and disciplinary matters and employing strategies to successfully engage in business.


Access to capital is critical to nearly every transaction. It allows a business to expand and grow but borrowing must be employed with a balanced approach. Borrowers and lenders have the same end goal but take separate paths to get there. We help our clients acquire capital from a few hundred thousand to hundreds of millions. We have negotiated notes, loan agreements, personal guaranties and the multitude of supplemental agreements inevitable in every loan.


Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

We are regularly engaged by buyers, sellers, investors, and other interested parties in M&A transactions. We have a multitude of experience with negotiating, documenting and closing deals to provide clients with all-encompassing support. Our clients rely on us to execute their most complex and critical transactions. We bring a high degree of individualized attention to each deal, coupled with our knowledge and experience, enabling us to devise creative deal structures and implement productive strategies.

Business Succession

Transitioning your life’s work is one of the most rewarding yet difficult experiences for many business owners. The joy of seeing your empire pass to the next generation is as tremendous as the stress it creates. We have helped our clients transition their farms, service industries, restaurants, tech companies and even junk yards with success. Rely on us to provide the same hard work that made you and your business a success.




The passing of a loved always creates emotional challenges but it also triggers the need for action. Our job as probate attorneys is to explain the process and guide our client's through it. Though we aren't litigators and don't pretend to be, most probates don't involve true litigation. In most cases neither the attorney nor client ever sees the inside of the courtroom. From a court involvement perspective, it is typically a paper-pushing process. Generally, the real work comes in advising the client on how to administer the estate and its assets. Our estate planning experience and our extensive experience helping clients with different types of asset transfers help us excel at guiding client's through probate. However, on occasion probate does result in litigation. In the unfortunate event that your probate becomes so complicated and contentious that true litigation is required, we have long standing relationships with some of the best litigators in Idaho. We can work with them to help you get through the difficulties of a probate-turned-litigation.


Estate Planning

Estate Planning

We know that estate planning isn’t fun for our clients. However, we know, and deep down our clients know, that estate planning is important. We use plain English and frank conversations to help our clients decide what type of plan they need and then get them through the process as quickly and painlessly as possible.

The key to being a good estate planning attorney is listening to the client and communicating with them effectively. We discuss all the important issues and the related fees and costs early and often so that clients get the estate plan they need at a cost that they expect.

Our estate planning clients are wide ranging and the type of planning we do is equally wide ranging. We work with business and real estate owners whose plans require business entities, life insurance products, trusts and complex gifting strategies. Some of our clients need help navigating complex family dynamics. Those dynamics may entail managing issues arising when spouses have children from prior relationships, addressing challenging relationships among family members or any multitude of other issues that many clients think are unique to them but, in reality are common. Some lucky clients have relatively simple family situations and their plans are often less complicated.

We are thorough and thoughtful. We get to know our clients and their personal situations so that they end up with a plan that is right for them, not with a cookie cutter plan given to every client that walks through the door. By approaching estate planning this way we, and our clients, can be confident that they’ve done all they can to plan for their future and for those that will follow behind them.